only 8.6% of what the world PRODUCES is recycled OR used again. THE REST ENDS UP IN LANDFILL, OCEANS AND OUR ENVIRONMENT.

If we don’t take action, it is estimated that by the end of the 21st Century, we will need 2 earths to support our resource use.

Our Steinlager team understands that to protect the natural environments we cherish, we must change the way we use resources and reduce our waste.

That's why we're embarking on a mission to become more circular and decrease the amount of packaging that ends up in landfills. We recognize that reusable packaging creates fewer carbon emissions and uses less energy than recycling, making it one of the most impactful steps Steinlager can take to address climate change.

Introducing Steinlager Returnables - a bold step towards our goal. This returnable and reusable product is designed to reduce waste and emissions without adding cost or inconvenience to your experience.

Change is never easy, but Steinlager is ready for the challenge. You may notice experimental packaging in selected liquor stores as we explore what works best.

If you see Steinlager returnables in your local store, grab a crate and join us on our journey towards a more circular future.

If you want to know more contact us here.


  1. We brew & bottle Steinlager Returnables

  2. We deliver Steinlager Retunables to selected liquor stores

  3. You buy and enjoy Steinlager Returnables from selected liquor store

  4. You return the crate and bottles to the same liquor store you purchased from

  5. We collect and return the crates and bottles to the brewery

  6. We wash the crates and bottles and the cycle begins again

need to borrow more than 2 crates?
Click here to add your payment details