We believe in taking accountability for the environmental impact of our products and are proud to be New Zealand’s first major beer brand to achieve ToitŪ net carbon zero certification.
What does this mean? Well, Steinlager has received official product certification from Toitū Envirocare in accordance with international standards. This means all of the emissions from the entire lifecycle of our product – from growing the grain to the length of time it spends in a consumers fridge – are accounted for and either reduced or offset using verified carbon credits. It doesn’t stop there, carbon zero certification also means we have committed to reducing our carbon footprint every year.
To compensate for the emissions we cannot yet reduce or eliminate, we invest in accredited projects that prevent or remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere. We proudly support a wind farm in India that produces energy for communities in Tamil Nadu, that would otherwise be generated by a coal-powered station. Wind power produces no carbon emissions and also avoids the local air pollutants associated with burning fossil fuels.
The everyday beer lover doesn’t always consider the environmental impact of the beer in their hand, however now they can enjoy Steinlager knowing that the carbon footprint has been 100% offset.
India Renewable Energy Project